We would love to inspire you to create simple, nutritious meals...

Why we do this
Healthy eating is important for all of us to live longer, balance weight and reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases. However, wholesome meals are increasingly replaced by highly processed foods that are low in nutrients and high in sugar, fat and salt and do not meet dietary recommendations. This has huge consequence for public health.
The more we know about nutrition, food, cooking and how to balance our diets, the better we’re able to make healthy choices for ourselves and our families.
Our aspiration
We want to champion good food habits and inspire a healthy life. A healthy daily diet leaves room for the occasional indulgence, which is also part of a good life.
Through our wide collection of online recipes, on-pack information, collaboration with retail customers, inspirational events and educational programmes, we share our knowledge of what is good to eat and how to prepare a healthy breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner.
Some of our activities
- Campaigns emphasising the importance of wholesome breakfast for better performance through the day.
- Online recipes with nutritional information and weekly healthy menu planning
- Better snacking through the day – healthy snacking products available in places such as schools, gyms, hospitals and amusements parks.
- Partnering programme in Bangladesh and Dominican Republic (SOS Children Villages) to provide a daily glass of milk to less fortunate children to help improve their learning abilities.
- Partnering the daily Swedish TV4 show and website “Vardagspuls”, which inspires people to live a healthier lifestyle.
- Arla Foundation Food Camps to improve cooking skills and food knowledge among school children in Denmark.
- Agenda-setting project for eliminating malnutrition among elderly and patients in hospital (Denmark).
- On-line Arla dieticians inspire and advice people to a healthier lifestyle, especially related to good food habits (Sweden).
- Partner for the Swedish Olympic Committee to promote milk as Nature’s Own Sportsdrink, including Olympic Days event, where children meet Olympic athletes and try different sports, and other partnership with various sports events (Sweden).